Godur kvoldverdur, godur kvoldverdur, i dag forum vid Dominic ut i gongutur um sveitina her i kring og reyndum ad giska hvad var raektad a hverju svaedi, vid fundum epli, aprkikosur, hveiti, baunir, agurku og mjog margt sem vid thekktum ekki.
Skemmtilegur gongutur en vid erum baedi ansi solbrennd eftir hann. Nuna hef eg klarad allar baekur sem vid eigum samanlagt a ensku og hlusta thvi a Hitchhikerinn thegar eg get ekki sofid, sem betur fer er hann ansi langur og eg hef ekki enn fengid leid a honum. Vonandi kemst eg til Shanghai i juni, thad er agreiningsmal milli okkar Dominic og yfirmanns okkar, thad er allavega litid eftir af kennslunni. 16. juni fer eg fra Kina og eg hlakka mjog mikid til tho eg eigi eftir ad sakna thess ad kenna (sumum) og eg er viss um ad eg sjai lika eftir matnum her. Reyndar er thetta svo undarlegt lif ad her er nanast ekkert sludur og i raun ekkert ad gerast, allt mjog reglubundid og einfalt. Mig langar ad deila med ykkur sogu sem einn nemandi thyddi fyrir mig fra kinversku yfir a ensku:
A foolish young man:
An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent all the money so that soon he had nothing left. Of course when that happened all the friends left him, when he was quiete poor and alone he went to see an old man who was kind, clever and often helped people when they had troubles. "My money has finished and my friends have gone" said the young man. "What will happen to me now?", "Don't worry young man", answered the old man, "everything will soon be alright again. Wait and you will soon feel much happier." The young man was very glad. "Am I going to get rich again, then?" he asked the old man. "No I didn't mean that", said the old man, "I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and having no friends!"
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